Friday, June 14, 2013

Crisis Motivator

Movies. Yes, as silly as it sounds watching a inspiring movie can be motivating. Here are a list of movies you can watch to motivate you when you are feeling down and about to give up and quit. If you think you are the only one facing this obstacles in your life, guess are NOT ALONE.

1. Legally Blonde.
2. The Internship
3. Post Grad.
4. The Help
5. Mona Lisa Smile

It is important to find out what motivates you whenever you are feeling down. For some people, they take pleasure in chocolates, it gives them endorphin and makes them happy so that they can bounce back on their feet. Others go for a run and punish themselves for their mistakes at the gym by running the extra one more mile. Whatever it is, as long as you feel good after that and get back on your feet, saying to yourself that this is just a little bump and you can do it, then it works.

I'm trying to compile a list of motivating songs also, definitely suggest listen to this girl band IconaPop, Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson. Maybe some Christina Aguilera.

“ I had an early run in the woods before the dew was off the grass. The moss was like velvet, and as I ran under the arches of yellow and red leaves I sang for joy, my heart was so bright and the world so beautiful. ... A very strange and solemn feeling came over me as I stood there, with no sound but the rustle of the pines, no one near me, and the sun so glorious as for me alone. It seemed as if I felt God as I never did before, and I prayed in my heart that I might keep that happy sense of nearness all my life.”

~Louisa May Alcott, age 12


  1. doesnt sound very motivating to me :D

  2. this post is not finish yet. work in progress.

  3. Apart from the ones that you have already listed, I find Pink's songs very motivating too. =D
